Holiday houses, villas, apartment, hotels and more

We need your travel dates to give you the best available offers in Vihti

Cottages Finland Vihti

from 144.00 EUR / night

Vacation rentals in Vihti, Uusimaa: from apartments to hotels in Vihti

Your object is to drop in Finland, namely Vihti in Uusimaa, isn’t it? Then you should put your mind to the portal is a useful guide for visitors. It will help to organize your recess in Finland as well as in Uusimaa and in Vihti..

You’ll be also able to get information about public life in Vihti, the interesting places of Vihti and Uusimaa and choices for remarkable vacations in Vihti, its surroundings and in Uusimaa. .

Vihti and Uusimaa will allow the vacationists many chances for sporty leisure as well as for family holidays..

Finland can and must be proud of its virgin surroundings. Your stop in Vihti as well as in Uusimaa - a remarkable break to be a part of nature in Finnish National parks. .

Ecologically clean courses of Finnish national cuisine will please the vacationers in restaurants and bistros of Vihti.

In the department stores of Vihti the consumers will be able to see the large choice of and to be astonished because of their equal prices.

Rest in appartments in Vihti

According to the advices of the portal everybody can choose different options of accommodation in Vihti as well as in Uusimaa and without leaving your home or office rent them online.

There are: appartments and houses in Vihti and in Uusimaa as well as the other options.

Leisure in Vihti and in Uusimaa – showy illustration of Finnish cordiality and high service.
